How to keep your carpets in good shape

How to Keep Long-Lasting Carpet

Properly maintained and cleaned carpet lasts twice as long as carpet that is neglected. Here are some practical strategies for keeping carpet looking fresh and new for years.
Get Rid of Dirt
Dirt cuts carpet fibers like thousands of tiny blades. Walking across dirty carpet grinds sharp dirt particles into the fibers that make small nicks in the yarn. The fuzz you see in the vacuum cleaner bag is beautiful carpet on its way out the door each time you vacuum.
The carpet sheen is dulled by the scratches caused by dirt. High-traffic areas are duller than other parts of the carpet for that reason. The ground in dirt wears away the fiber. It mats down and stains easily.
Tips for keeping carpet free of dirt include:

•Vacuuming often
•Starting with a clean filter or bag
•Vacuuming at the proper speed
•Using walk-off mats

Vacuum high-traffic areas and entrances twice each week and the remaining carpet once per week at the minimum. Oily soil attracts more oily soil. Frequently vacuuming reduces soil buildup. Dirty filters, cups, or bags can reduce the suction power of a vacuum to half.
Bagless vacuums often stop working because the filters are not changed as often as they should be. Wash or replace bag less vacuum filters every three months. When vacuum bags are three-quarters full, replace them.
Vacuum slowly to pick up as much dirt as you possibly can. A quick pass over areas of low traffic and two slow passes in high-traffic areas is recommended. Two slow passes remove dirt that is ground in more efficiently than several fast passes.
Walk-off mats keep dirt off the carpet. Outside doors, use coarse-textured mats to remove soil and make carpet cleaning easier. Water absorbent mats prevent wet shoes transferring moisture to the carpet.

Professional Cleaning

Nearly all carpet manufacturers recommend hot water extraction done by professionals as the best cleaning process for synthetic carpets. Though it is referred to as steam cleaning, there is no steam involved. Carpets are treated with a cleaning solution.
A powerful hot rinse solution is forced into the carpet and vacuumed out. The process used by professionals deep cleans the carpet and leaves no soap residue. Having quality professionals cleaning carpets is not cheap.
The price sometimes causes people to skip professional cleaning and rent a carpet-cleaning machine. Purchased or leased carpet-cleaning machines remove surface dirt. The deep cleaning that removes greasy residues, dust and allergens require a trained pro and specialized equipment.

Hiring Professionals

Do the DIY suggestions above as routine cleaning and hire a professional carpet cleaning NYC service every year to year and a half. Quality professionals can provide references. They do in-home inspections and provide a written estimate and guarantee of their work.
The estimate is based on the condition of the carpet, type of fibers, and square footage, not by the number of rooms. You will get your money’s worth from professionals who want to establish an ongoing client relationship rather than making volume sales. Discount cleaning services leave soap residue behind that shortens the life of a carpet.


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